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West Berkshire

Fostering is about our welcoming you as part of our team. We'll support you to use your experience, knowledge and skills (which you may not know you've got!) to understand what's happened in the life of a child in care, how the child feels, what they need and want and how you can help them. Although fostering is primarily about you providing a safe place in which a foster child or young person can feel protected and cared for, you will work with others (for example social workers, schools, health professionals) to help them make progress and achieve the best outcomes. We offer comprehensive training to enable you to make the most of your abilities and skills to help children who may have had distressing experiences. We've got support groups where you can learn from other foster carers and share your own experiences too. Our Fostering Team is with you every step of the way. In addition, we pay generous weekly fostering allowances when a child or young person is living with you. Fostering can be a challenge, but it's incredibly rewarding! Most children in foster care for any length of time never forget their carers.

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★★★★★ ()


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