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Wellcare Fostering

Wellcare Fostering Services undertake to provide a wide range of family placements to meet the needs of looked after children. Our service is founded on the philosophy that children need much more than a home. We aim to provide a service that gives commissioning local authorities best value. We endeavour to deliver a service that is flexible and committed to meeting the needs of children and young people in care. Wellcare Fostering aim to recruit foster carers from different backgrounds to meet the diverse needs of children and young people who are looked after by the local authority. Foster homes (also known as placements) need to reflect children’s and young people’s religious, cultural, racial and linguistic backgrounds. Being child focused, foster carers must be able to provide a safe and secure home and offer support, affection, concern and respect to children and young people who are placed with them.

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★★★★★ ()


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