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Newcastle City Council

Children might come into care for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, abuse (emotional, physical or sexual), chronic neglect, having witnessed domestic violence or another traumatic incident. Sometimes a child or young person may have a disability or complex needs that their family cannot cope with. The one thing all these children and young people have in common is the need for care and support.

Children in care are particularly vulnerable and may be at risk of child criminal exploitation or may present as younger in need than their chronological age as a result of their childhood before foster care. All children need patience, empathy and understanding in order to grow. Foster carers provide a secure and loving home for children and teenagers who cannot live with their birth families. Carers need to be resilient, committed and passionate about the positive difference they can make to the life of a child in their care.

Being a foster carer isn't always easy and you may face some tough challenges, but it is very rewarding. Fostering with Newcastle City Council means we'll be there to give you all the advice and help you need, every step of the way

Overall rating:
★★★★★ ()


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