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Darlington Borough Council

The aim of Darlington Borough Council Children’s Service is to try and keep families together. However, there are times when this may not be possible. Foster Care and Supported Lodgings are services for children and young people who are unable to live with their own families. Fostering provides a stable family life for children and young people when they cannot live with their families. Darlington Borough Council Foster Carers give children the opportunity to thrive, achieve and be happy in a safe and loving home. The children and young people placed with our Foster Carers are from a diverse range of backgrounds with a variety of needs, but they all have one thing in common; they are children from our community who deserve the best that we can provide for them. You really can make a huge difference to the future of local children by becoming a Foster Carer or Supported Lodgings Carer in Darlington.

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★★★★★ ()


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